Daring Greatly

”Go and tell that fox for me, ‘Listen, I am casting out demons and performing cures today and tomorrow, and on the third day I finish my work.Yet today, tomorrow, and the next day I must be on my way, because it is impossible for a prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem.” (Luke 13:32-33)

We are a full week into Lent as of yesterday. I hope your fasting or Lenten discipline is going as planned. It is hard to stay true to our hopes and dreams of drawing closer to Jesus during Lent.

How often do we ask Jesus to go away? Don’t come near us for it is not safe for you…….or us. The Pharisees, a verse before, have told Jesus to leave because Herod wants to kill him. Get out of our sight Jesus. This could prove to be too painful for us all.

Jesus asks the Pharisees in turn to do something bold. To dare greatly. Jesus might as well have said, “Go back and tell Herod that things are on the move and I am on the move.”

We are never told if the Pharisees go and do as such. I’m not sure if they would have. I’m not sure we would have either.

But it has me thinking how often are we asked to dare greatly? How often are we asked to do something we were not ready for? I imagine the Pharisees thought Jesus might have said, “Sure, I understand. I will leave so I can live.” Yet, Jesus says, ‘I am staying for three more days and then I will leave.” Well that just might prove to be too great for us.

I am thankful that we are challenged by Jesus to dare greatly. For our God has already dared greatly too.