Christian Care

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Paul’s words to the church at Thessalonica ring true today. This Sunday is a wonderful Sunday. We will commission our first Stephen Ministers in a very long time. Stephen Ministers are trained leaders in walking alongside those who are living through life’s transitions. Transitions are hard at any age and are made worse when we traverse them alone.

Stephen Ministry is a caring ministry of the heart. They seek to journey with you so that you are not alone. Think of them as those who are looking for Christ when you simply don’t have the capacity to do so on your own.

I am reminded of the walk to Emmaus story. The transition was from life to death. They were hoping in the past tense and behold Jesus comes alongside them. He begins to ask them about what is troubling them. The two on the road have no idea Jesus is there but he is. They tell him everything. He then reveals who he is. Our Stephen Ministers are not Jesus but they do come alongside and listen. With the upmost intention of helping their care receiver to hope in the present tense once more.

I am honored to have studied with this class of Stephen Ministers. I treasure that our church is undertaking this Christian endeavor. Our people, our church, our world will be more compassionate and whole because of it.

Join us this Sunday in commissioning our Stephen Ministers for their Christian calling. And if you are in need of care because of life’s transitions and would like a Stephen Minister, you may contact Dorothy Wells or Chuck Vaughn through the office.

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