
Many times routines become our lifeline. School has recently started and our college students are headed off to college. Because we are in a college town, many of those students are coming to us. What a joy!

Regardless of where you are in life, routines make life run smoother. We enjoy knowing at least how some of our day will appear day after day. Thats why retirement is rough. The routine of getting up and going to the office for years is suddenly not there. Where do you go? What do you do? So you find another routine to slip into and all is well. Which is why the adage “I will retire from retirement” is true.

We have routines in the church too. Our calendar year of the church helps us to navigate all that happens in our life of faith. We will be kicking off our fall semester with the ability to hear about new possibilities that are on the horizon for our church. We will settle back into the routine of worship and study. There is something comforting about knowing that on Sunday mornings for a few hours your presence is requested by God. I know God will delight to see you and so will I.

See you in church.


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