HOAMM Grown Gardening Workshop

Join us at H.O.A.M.M. Grown Organic Gardening Workshop, where we’ll discover the wonderful world of sustainable gardening and food security.

  • When: Saturday, March 9th & 16th
  • Time: 9:00AM – 12:00PM  (2 Sessions Total)
  • Where: Covenant Presbyterian Church, 322 W Pecan St., Sherman, TX 75090
The HAOMM GROWN Team is excited to see our organic gardening program growing….literally! Join this organic gardening movement, and help us cast seeds of hope, community, and unity throughout our neighborhoods! Contact us at (903) 914-0732 or relations@aheartmatter.org Each participant must register here to ensure materials. Being present at both meetings should be a priority as each session builds upon the other.