Youth Ministry
Our Youth ministry, students in grades 6th – 12th, is focused on providing a space to question, learn about the ways we worship and fellowship together, and what it looks like to grow into your faith and yourself as you become a teenager into adulthood. Being a teenager is a season of incredible growth quickly and our desire is to provide various activities and opportunities to learn more about themselves and their spiritual identity.
Sunday School
Covenant focuses on helping students learn how to study the Bible independently and how to ask tough questions that as we grow we have to grapple with. Sunday School is a space for students to discuss various topics and learn how their faith is interwoven with their everyday lives. Sunday School is in the Senior High Room at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Fellowship
Wednesday Nights
Our focus on Wednesday nights is in a rotation model of fellowship, mission, and bible study. Every week the youth will focus on one of these areas of spiritual formation. Youth group starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Senior High Room and dinner is provided.
Camps & Special Events
It is important for our youth to not only worship and fellowship with one another, but we offer opportunities for them to learn and grow from other leaders in the Grace Presbytery and beyond. Our youth attend various weekend conferences, camps, and events throughout the year. A few conferences and camps are:
- Youthquake (Grades 6th – 8th)
- SHYC (High School)
- Junior High Jubilee (Grades 6th – 8th)
- Triennium (High School, offered every 3 years)
- Synod (High School)
There are also various special worship services as well as leadership training or planning team opportunities for students to participate in.