What We Believe
Covenant Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. denomination. You can learn more here about what the denomination as a whole believes. No matter your gender, race, age, sexual identity, we welcome all to worship and serve alongside us.
Our Vision statement is what we as a congregation hope to grow into as a church and our Mission statement are the ways in which we hope to fulfill that vision in tangible ways.
Vision Statement
Covenant Presbyterian Church is a family of faith committed to sharing God’s love with all and offering a place of belonging. Welcome home.
Mission Statement
Proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Covenant Presbyterian Church endeavors to:
- Serve God with our lives
- Worship with praise, joy, and thanksgiving
- Teach the Word of God
- Nurture all of God’s children
- Love without Prejudice
The beliefs of the Presbyterian Church are best articulated in our Book of Confessions which includes historic confession of faith through the centuries, beginning with the Nicene Creed, through statements of faith written during the Protestant Reformation to 20th Century articulations of faith. In each period in history, the church responds to its context by articulating its belief in light of contemporary issues. The last confession in the book is the Belhar Confession, written in 1986. Visit this link for more detailed information concerning what Presbyterians believe.