Worship & Arts


Our worship service reflects deep traditional, Scriptural, and historical roots while giving birth to new expressions of joy and reverence to engage a contemporary community. Our service is structured around prayer, scripture, music, and a sermon. Services are Sundays at 10:50 a.m. and are held in the sanctuary. At the first of each month, our worship service includes communion.

The desire with worship is to glorify God within a community. We welcome everyone, no matter what sex, gender, ethnicity, race, or age, we invite you to worship with us. As our vision statement says, we welcome you home. We desire to reflect the world God dreams for us and hope to provide a space for everyone to worship and grow in their faith.

If informal worship appeals to you, we invite you to check out our new service, “Come to the Table”.  At 8:15, we offer a continental breakfast in the Cube (the building directly east of the sanctuary) followed by worship at 8:30.  We welcome young children, joyful noise, and refilling your coffee during worship.  Come as you are and be fed; both physically and spiritually.

Become Involved

Our worship service is led by the priesthood of all believers not just by a pastor and our music staff. We invite church members to be involved: from when people enter our building to being a part of the worship service. We know our church members have many talents and we want them to use them as we worship on Sundays.

Greeters are people who love to engage with people as they come to prepare for worship and especially to help visitors who are new to our church. They help staff our Welcome table before and after the service.

Ushers are people who love to help by passing out bulletins to everyone coming into Worship as well as help with the offering during the service. A Head Usher is needed to lead the team each Sunday morning to ensure everything runs smoothly.

During the first Sunday of every month, we have Communion. To serve Communion, you have to have served on Session which involves becoming a member first. We also go to our members at home to serve them communion on the Sunday and Monday of when we celebrate communion.

Lay Readers are always needed to help with the worship service. From starting the Call to Worship to praying before the Scripture are read to reading sections of Scripture to the congregation, the lay reader is a vital part of the service. But don’t worry, all that is needed to take on this role is the ability to read out loud. We provide the Lay Reader with all the material needed.

Finally, we always welcome church members to help lead the Children’s Sermon during worship. Our pastor usually does this, but when we have guest preachers/speakers, we like our church members to lead this time as they have come to know our children in the church.


Our music reflects the varied talents within the church members and includes a pipe organ, piano, and occasional acoustic guitar, woodwind, strings, brass, drums, and handbells instruments. There are a variety of ways in which you can join our Music Ministry.

Chancel Choir

The Covenant choir offers spiritual, classical, folk, and world music that is chosen to express the particular scriptural theme of each service. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join our Chancel Choir. The choir sings anthem pieces every Sunday during worship with rehearsals on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the Choir room. The choir also does special music presented throughout the year. If you are interested in joining, please send us an e-mail.

Handbell Choir

Our handbell choir rings special music throughout the year during worship services. They meet every Wednesday night to rehearse at 6:00 pm. in the room across from the Library. No music knowledge is needed to join, and all are welcome to come to learn and make a joyful noise.

Play Another Instrument?

While we don’t always have special music each Sunday, we love to hear what talents our congregation has and would like to contribute. Knowing this allows us to find new ways to express music in worship and provide pieces that use the many talents of our church. Contact us if you would like to offer your musical talents.